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Social network sharing buttons Loading Add to cart

€19.96 incl. VAT
(€16.63 excl. VAT)

Social network sharing buttons

Activate sharing buttons for your ads to a multitude of social networks.

Offer your visitors to share the advertisements of your website on many social networks and thus increase your notoriety on the web. The sharing of your pages on social networks influences the positioning of your website in search engines.

Here is the list of social networks that can be activated:

  • Blogger
  • Diaspora
  • Douban
  • Evernote
  • Getpocket
  • Facebook
  • Flipboard
  • Instapaper
  • Line
  • Linkedin
  • Livejournal
  • Ok
  • Pinterest
  • Qzone
  • Reddit
  • Renren
  • Skype
  • Telegram
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vk
  • Weibo
  • Whatsapp
  • Xing